The Girl behind the Brand

Hello!! I am so happy that you are here exploring our storefront. Here at Little in Lace we value sustainability, body positivity, and encourage female empowerment doing it all while being effortlessly sexy and chic.

My name is Briahna McCullough, I consider myself to be an Artist with the ability to make clothes. The reason I’ve gown into the designer I am today, is because of my ability to stay true to myself and my personal design process. In an industry where it can be so easy to fall into what everyone else is doing, to wear what everyone else is wearing, I have made it a goal of mine to be different. To design differently means to look within and create what calls to you. For me, I love the idea of self-love and empowerment and know that clothing can enhance this feeling of confidence.

Wearing pieces that make me feel sexy and alive for no one but myself is at the root of all my designing. My goal with starting Little in Lace was to help others feel this within themselves. Showing up for yourself matters and you deserve to feel confident and sexy for YOURSELF!! I hope you love everything Little in Lace as much as I do.

McCullough wearing the Black Maxi from the 003 “Isn’t She Lovely” Collection

Before launching my own brand, I studied fashion design at Kent state University, and I decided to start this journey in January of 2024, shortly after I had graduated from school. After a month of hard work creating handmade pieces for my first ever collection, I had done it. I had dropped my first ever collection just in times for Valentines day.

(See images below from the 001 “Cherry on Top” Collection)

I had spent countless hours developing a theme, constructing garments, organizing and preparing for a photoshoot, sourcing models and taking photographs of my pieces to feature on my website. This collection was full of life, love and excitement, featuring lingerie and sleepwear that I designed from my apartment bedroom.

Ivy wearing the sheer spiral slip dress from the 001 “Cherry on Top” collection

Throughout my time at Kent state, I had ventured into designing multiple different kinds of clothing items. I found myself falling in love with corsetry, lingerie and everything else related to that genre of design. Designing intimate apparel and sleepwear became my center of focus, all while adhering to sustainable design.

In the months following my first shoot, I had started my next venture. The 002 “Take me to the Tropics” resort wear edit. This time I had taken a leap and decided to collaborate with a swimwear company, SVVIAA Swim, owned and operated by Cat. Her brand is a well known PA staple. Supporting woman through swimwear and encouraging body positivity it was the perfect collaboration. This collection featured SVVIAA swimwear and then everything around it was built by Little in Lace. This collection was made out of 100% recycled materials. I know this because, I cut up my own clothes to create these looks.

From concept to creation and further more to execution. This collection was the most dynamic one I had ever created it. From outsourcing product to feature alongside my designs, creating the garments, creating a campaign and photographing it in a way that made you feel like you transported to an alternate reality. All the details mattered so heavily, and every move from styling to utilizing props was so intentional and it really aided in the overall lighthearted feel of the collection.

This collection was different from anything I had ever done before, It wasn’t lingerie or sleepwear related, but it did relay a fun-loving vibe that is so true to my brands identity.

Kris in the Island set from the 002 “Take me to the Tropics” resort wear edit

This had all taken place in 2024, flash forward to today, February of 2025. I had made the biggest jump of all (well as of right now) to producing my designs on a larger scale. Up until this moment, everything I had made was 1 of a kind.

Today, I have a team that works hard to produce product on a larger scale. For the first time ever, I am able to have my designs recreated and produced on a scale that I can now share my one of a kind treasures with you all. There is so much more to come on this journey and I am so excited to share my year long journey with you all. So much can happen in a year, especially when you believe in yourself and work really hard.

Go check out the 003 “Isn’t She Lovely” Collection available for pre-order sale on our storefront!! and stay tuned for more exclusive offers.


Illustrations & Multi-media Art